ROMEXPO, orașul din mijlocul orașului!



ROMEXPO S.A. cu sediul social in localitatea Bucuresti B-dul Marasti nr 65 – 67, sect 1, inregistrata la Registrul Comertului sub numarul J40/14818/02.12.1991, Cod Unic de Inregistrare RO 1555425, anunta publicul interesat asupra solicitarii autorizatiei de mediu pentru desfasurarea activitatii de  “Activitaţi de organizare a expoziţiilor, târgurilor si congreselor”, cod CAEN 8230.

Information on the potential impact on the environment of the activity for which the revision of the environmental permit is requested can be consulted at the headquarters of the holder in Bucharest 65 - 67 Marasti Blvd., sector 1, on weekdays: Monday - Thursday 08:00 - 15.30, Friday 08:00 - 14.30, as well as at the ANPM headquarters, Splaiul Independentei, no. 294, Corp B, Sector 6, Bucharest.

Individuals or legal entities may submit any appeals or suggestions to the A.N.P.M. headquarters, Splaiul Independentei, no. 294, Corp B, Sector 6, Bucharest.